TRELEA AND ASOCIATES SPRL has been a member of Eurojuris International since 2012, thus enabling us to provide for our Clients direct access to international legal assistance for starting, carrying out and/or concluding international activities. Therefore, we can obtain all the necessary information for accomplishing Your goals directly from other European and international lawyers, members of Eurojuris International.
As an insurance for the achievement of Your goals and investments, membership of Eurojuris International is assimilated with high-quality standards of the provided legal service, solid legal knowledge and professional experience, knowledge of foreign languages, promptness, and confidentiality. Eurojuris International is a global network of lawyers located on the European continent, mainly in the states of the European Union, as well as in the USA, South America, Asia and the Mediterranean area, comprising over 600 law firms and 5000 lawyers.
Eurojuris International organises each year conferences, meetings and seminars enabling exchange of information, ideas and professional experiences between their members, and our Firm participates at least once per year.
The lawyers of TRELEA AND ASOCIATES SPRL have participated to annual Conferences and Congresses organised by Eurojuris International, as follows:
- Managing Partner Cristina TRELEA – the Conferences which took place in Milan (May 2014), Helsinki (May 2015) and Lisbon (May 2017);
- Partner Oana Raluca TOADER – the Conferences which took place in Dublin (May 2012) and London (May 2013), and the annual Hague Congress (October 2012) and Frankfurt Congress (October 2019);
- Partner Adrian Dorin DECIANU – the Conference which took place in Marseille (May 2016) and the annual Vienne Congress (October 2013) and Madrid (Octombrie 2022);
- Partner Cristian Alexandra DORUȘ participated to the Conference which took place in Milan (May 2014)

Our team, represented by Managing Partner Cristina TRELEA and Partner Adrian – Dorin DECIANU offered pro bono support for a global research study on water law carried out and financed by World Bank Group. The project was aimed at measuring laws and regulations that impact the business environment for a sustainable and thriving agricultural sector.
Our contribution was recognized and referred to in the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) report released in 2017. The report and our recognition as local experts can be found here: http://eba.worldbank.org/en/reports
In recognition of our instrumental contribution, we received a certificate of appreciation.
Since 2013, EBA has provided globally comparable data and indicators that can enable countries, policy makers and stakeholders to identify barriers that impede the growth of agriculture and agribusinesses, share experiences, and develop strategies to improve the policy and legal environment.
The China International Lawyer – Marketing and Technology Summit 2013 took place on 7-8th December and united lawyers from around the World: Asia, Europe, Africa, America. Our Firm was represented by Partner Attorney Cristina TRELEA, who also was a lector at the Summit.
The Summit ended with a discussion panel on the Chinese investments around the World, moderated by an attorney from Shanghai, and our representative was invited to participate in that panel alongside four attorneys from China, Russia (one of the Partners from Yust Law Firm), India (Fox Mandal, the oldest Law Firm from India, established in 1897) and Malaysia (attorney from Zico Law).

Italia: Studio Legale Galassi – https://studiolegalegalassi.it/
Republica Moldova: Efrim, Roșca și Asociații – http://www.era.md/